Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 173

It's been a rather hectic day at work so my brother, Jiten, covered for me today. Here's his recap for today:

"I was back at Books for Africa this morning. It was very tiring since there were only 5 volunteers there today. As soon as I got there, I found out what needed to be done and got right to it. I spent a full two hours packing books into boxes preparing them for shipping. I stacked up an entire pallet of 30 boxes filled with leisure reading books for primary school students in standards 1 to 4. The other 4 volunteers were all doing their part. There wasn't much conversation happening today unfortunately, as we were all on different sides of the warehouse... In those 2 hours I packed over 1000 books which will be going to a country in Africa soon. Just 2 hours of helping out made such a huge difference".

He's right - it doesn't take a lot of time to make a difference, but it does take WANTING to make a difference.

Thanks for helping out today kid!! You're definitely making a difference, and making me proud :)

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