Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 284

Well...tonight was interesting. I attended the 'ATL Live at the Park' event at Park Tavern. The event was held to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the promoters as well as Park Tavern did a fabulous job to promote awareness...on paper.

The staff were dressed in pink, there were performers, and they had specialty drinks, of which 50% was donated to support the charity. And my was that chocolate covered strawberry martini amazing!!! However, the event left me with a little something to be desired. For the entrance fee we paid at the door it was a slight let down. The atmosphere wasn't very welcoming and it was more an event for friends and not newcomers.

I had expected a little more warmth and a welcoming attitude from the hosts of the event, especially since they had reached out through social media. While I respect the organization, the event, and the intent of this evenings event I would definitely do one thing differently. From the few events we've hosted I think it is important to have an actual host to greet, welcome, and mingle with the guests. It makes a huge difference!

I stepped out of my box tonight and I was slightly disappointed. I will, however, continue to support these events and hope to be able to use these experiences to be aware of and grateful for the support we receive when we host such events. That being said, I wish the event planners much success tonight. They worked hard to put this event together and they deserve our support for their noble cause. Good luck to them! And good luck to YOU! Support your community, support your cause. Happy giving!!
~ Dona

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