Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 28

Even though I've only been going to SafeHouse for a few weeks I am already attached to the people there. When I got there today I found out that one of the staff members no longer works there. He was a really cool person and probably the one person I had gotten to know the most. As I was being told this my eyes teared up and I just felt bad, its amazing how we get attached to people in such little time. I wish him well and who knows, maybe one day we'll run into each other again.

On a lighter note, another great night on the lot - I didn't even make it into the building today. As soon as I got there I met a new person, someone I had seen before but only met tonight. We talked about careers and ambitions and he shared what he wants to do with his life. He hopes to go back to school soon, so we talked about that for a while. I also got to meet one of the kids who comes to SafeHouse, he is 13years old and has as much energy as any other teenager. He kept bouncing around between different groups of people. The few minutes he spent around me he shared some of his favorite subjects at school, his favorite sports, and his favorite movies.

The last thing I'd like to share about tonight, this is something one of the guys there told me - trust your instincts. This is the same individual who has to tell me about why he moved to Atlanta. As soon as he saw me outside he came over to say hello, and we then talked for about 10minutes. He shared a story about being out in the wilderness and using his instincts to help him out of there. He has great stories to tell, all of which come with a moral - today's being trust your instincts.

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