Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4

I helped out at Kashi Atlanta (an urban yoga ashram) today. They have a community outreach program - Street Meals - where they pack over 300 sack lunches for the homeless and then hand them out the next day. I walked in today to a room full of hard working  and jovial volunteers who were lined up at a table (kind of like an assembly line). Today the snack was peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. So, after washing your hands, you were given a spot to work. One person took all the bread out, the next group put on the peanut butter, the next did the jelly. The sandwiches were then put in bags. These were then put in brown bags along with a juice box and fruit. The youngest volunteer (an adorable 4 year old) helped decorate the brown bags. Kashi has a group of core volunteers committed to selfless service who help coordinate this project and through the project try to show volunteers the joy of community service.

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