Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 145

I volunteered at SafeHouse today. The church that was going to serve the meal canceled but one of the SafeHouse guys saved the day with lasagna and chicken with stuffing. He cooked enough for about 180 delicious meals! He's definitely got skills!!

We served till we ran out and had to start turning people away. But a SafeHouse friend dropped by just in time with hotdogs, bagels and muffins. So a couple of us made up some plates of food real quick and started serving that. It was a busy day in the kitchen but we did the best we could with what we had, so hopefully not too many people went without food today.

I also wanted to share something Dona sent me today - check out the link:
There's always ways to make a difference in the world, we just have to put some thought into it. GM is really making a difference!

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